Dear Shaklee Business Leaders,
April 22, 2006 is Earth Day, a day of special significance for all of us in the Shaklee Family. Each year on this day, Shaklee Distributors celebrate and demonstrate Shaklee's commitment to our environment. This year, Shaklee's 50th Anniversary year, Shaklee will celebrate Earth Day in a monumental way.
Beginning Saturday, April 22nd, Shaklee will launch our largest Earth Day campaign ever - "A Million Trees. A Million Dreams." Shaklee Distributors across the US and Canada can participate by holding your own very special meeting on Earth Day, and by purchasing a special Earth Day DVD designed to support your meeting. The purpose of the meeting will be to celebrate Earth Day while introducing new people to Shaklee - our legacy of environmental leadership and the legendary Shaklee Opportunity which has allowed so many to enjoy healthier lives in accordance with their values.
And there's another very important way you can participate. To demonstrate your commitment to the environment in a concrete way, we invite you to join us in a massive effort to help reforest our planet. As Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai told us, each of us requires the oxygen output of 10 trees to support our lives. Recent studies indicate that currently, the United States alone is in a deficit of more than 600 million trees. You can do something about this, right in your own community, and Shaklee would like to encourage you in that effort. Our goal is for Shaklee Distributors, friends and family to plant over a million trees in the US and Canada this year. And we'll also be making a donation to the Green Belt Movement to enable the planting of one million more in Africa. This initiative starts on April 22nd, but you can participate anytime by planning a tree-planting event in your local area.
Here's how you can be part of this exciting campaign launch:
 Purchase the trilingual (English, Spanish and French) Earth Day 2006 DVD - call 1-800-SHAKLEE to place your pre-order today - your DVD will arrive in time for your April 22nd meeting.
 Send an e-mail to and tell us where and when you plan to hold your Earth Day 2006 meeting on Saturday, April 22nd
 Your name
 Your Shaklee ID number
 A phone number or e-mail address attendees can use to contact you with questions
 Name of your organization or city group (if you have one)
 Location for the event (including the address and room name if provided) and the maximum number of attendees you can accommodate
 An overnight shipping address (No PO Boxes) to receive meeting DVD via expedited shipping, if needed
 Publicize your meeting locally, by advertising your event in community listings, posting and sending your meeting flyer to everyone you know, submitting the Hometown Press Release to your local papers. Shaklee will help by publicizing your meeting location and contact information on our web site and the City Network calendar.
 Consider organizing a tree-planting event in your local community, and use your April 22nd meeting as a platform from which to announce and engage participation in this event. Stay tuned - we'll be providing you with information, tips and resources to help you to organize tree-planting ceremonies that will attract public and media attention to your efforts.
Please reply to this e-mail with your meeting details as soon as possible, but NO LATER THAN April 7th, so that we can publish your meeting in our online listing.
Please call 1-800-SHAKLEE and place your pre-order for the Earth Day DVD by April 7th.
Scroll down to see the suggested agenda for your Earth Day Meeting on April 22nd, and to see additional ways Shaklee will be promoting and supporting our campaign for A Million Trees. A Million Dreams.
Shaklee's culture of caring and advocacy for the environment is an essential part of what makes our Opportunity unique, compelling and exciting. Earth Day 2006 and our 50th Anniversary are the perfect time to share this Opportunity with everyone you know!
Laura Collins Hughes
Shaklee North American Sales
Suggested Agenda for Your "A Million Trees. A Million Dreams." Meeting:
1. Host - Welcome Comments (5 min)
2. Earth Day DVD presentation (15 min)
3. Host - intro testimonials briefly
4. Product and/or business testimonials (10 min)
5. Host - encourage those interested in learning more about the Shaklee business to join us after the break for a special presentation (2 min)
6. Break - 10 min
7. Host intro Opportunity Presentation
8. Opportunity Presentation (20 min)
9. Host - Recognition - testimonials from new Directors or special achievers
10. Closing - 50th Anniversary segment from the "Be a Star" DVD
Note: This is a suggested agenda. We will also hold a conference call with meeting hosts/city leaders after April 7th, to help them plan more as we get closer to the event.
Here's a brief summary of everything Shaklee will be doing to help you celebrate Earth Day, to support your A Million Trees. A Million Dreams meeting on April 22nd, and to support your community tree-planting efforts:
Earth Day DVD, 15-minute video featuring Roger Barnett sharing Shaklee's legacy of caring for the environment, a comprehensive overview of Shaklee's environmental milestones throughout our history, as well as our vision for the future, available for pre-order on March 17 by calling 1-800-SHAKLEE. $12 price includes shipping via a method that will ensure you receive the DVD in time for your meeting. One DVD, 3 languages (English, Spanish and French)! All net proceeds from sales of this DVD will benefit Wangari Maathai's Green Belt Movement.
A Million Trees. A Million Dreams. Web Pages located at and, to be launched April 1st, where you'll find many resources to help you get organized, including:
 Downloadable flyer you can use to invite people to your meeting
 Online Earth Day meeting locator to publicize your meeting
 Pre-event Press Release
 Post-event Press Release
 Tool Kit for Community Tree Planting Events, including:
 Where to purchase or obtain free trees for your tree planting event
 How to get media to come to your tree planting event
 Media Alert for Tree Planting event
 PowerPoint Presentation on Shaklee and the Environment, covering our history of environmental stewardship, environmental partnerships, awards, and our most recent initiatives. Useful anytime you want to illustrate Shaklee's commitment to the environment.
The Spring Shaklee® Catalog contains a special feature on Shaklee's history of environmental leadership, and an invitation to all Members to contact their Shaklee Distributor to participate in an Earth Day meeting.
 Orders placed with Shaklee from April 17th through April 21st will include a free sample of Basic-H® with instructions and brief explanation of the role of Basic-H in our environmental legacy. The card will be made available for Distributors to download and use to distribute their own Basic-H samples.